Monthly Archives: October 2023

What Can You Do With A Trust?
In some ways, all trusts are alike. Much like a business, a trust has its own tax ID number, and its property legally belongs to it instead of to you; in this regard, it is similar to a business entity. The person who sets up the trust, funds it, and gives instructions about how… Read More »

How Does Long-Term Care Work?
No one’s estate plan is complete without a plan for long-term care. After you have written a will and gotten a realistic picture of what your income and expenses will be during retirement, it is time to think about long-term care. Some of your long-term care plans depend on personal preference and your family… Read More »

What Happens If The Probate Court Asks You To Give A Deposition?
In probate as in other legal matters, the courts are not supposed to make arbitrary or hasty decisions. The rules of civil procedure require that both parties, with the representation of their lawyers, have time to prepare their arguments and present evidence to support them. In emergency situations where judges must make quick decisions,… Read More »

How To Deal If You Are The Personal Representative Of An Insolvent Estate
High prices and the economy seem to be here to stay. Millennials probably will never be able to afford to retire, which means that some of them will be living paycheck to paycheck when they die. Therefore, insolvent estates are likely to become more and more common as the last generation to own substantial… Read More »