Monthly Archives: May 2024

Can The Great Resignation Be An Estate Planning Strategy?
The motivations for joining the Great Resignation, in which you quit your job even though you do not have another one lined up and even though you do not have enough savings to be financially independent for a long period of time, are complex, but from the outside, it simply looks like you don’t… Read More »

Your Estate Plan Should Face Reality About Addiction
You are not the target audience for those estate planning sales pitches about protecting your wealth and spending your golden years walking on the beach with your spouse and going on cruises with your friends. You have nothing in common with the people who will only begin work on an estate plan if, for… Read More »

You Need A Financial First Aid Kit, Even If You Don’t Write A Will
The words “intestate succession” strike fear in some people’s hearts. They imagine the state gobbling up all of their property, or their estranged son inheriting it and spending it all on marriages and divorces from a series of gold-digging wives. You have no such fear. It doesn’t bother you in the least if your… Read More »

Revocable Trusts And Your Taxes
Financial planners and estate planning lawyers sometimes talk about revocable trusts as though they are a solution to everyone’s every problem. By this logic, a revocable trust enables you to sprout a doppelganger that owns your money and then pays it back to you, and, naturally, this is something that everyone wants. They might… Read More »